Tips for Nannies Considering Working Overseas

Sometimes we all need a little push to consider something new in our working life.  

Ask yourself:

  • Do you have a good few years of nanny experience?

  • Do you enjoy travelling?

  • Do you love meeting new people, experiencing new cultures or learning new languages? 

  • If so, it sounds like an overseas nanny job may be a great opportunity for you.

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel, see only one page.”

 If you are anything like us, you may be reading this looking for a nudge in the right direction. Nannies volg has many exciting nanny jobs for experienced, enthusiastic nannies wishing to take their careers to the next level. We hope this inspires you to make the leap!

With an experienced international agency like Nannies volg, you will always have a friendly, caring ear at the end of the phone or email – whether it is before or after you join the family. The experienced Consultants ensure the family organises your travel, accommodation and, most importantly, provides a fair and detailed contract.

How will I benefit from working overseas?

  • Nannying overseas can enhance your CV

  • Often the salaries abroad are higher and in some countries may even be tax-free

  • You will see interesting places, and experience different cultures.

  • You will make new friends and expand your nanny circle with people who may have worked abroad for many years

  • You will probably have picked up at least the basics of a new language too, and in this increasingly global world, you can never know too many languages. 

Are you ready to experience different cultures?

It is essential to accept that working abroad will be a different experience, and you may have to be open to differences in culture and different ways of doing things. That being said, many Nannies volg clients want the experience and values of British and European nannies such as us.

Take Russia, for example. Russian culture can be very different from the UK and Europe. By way of an example, in Moscow, it is worth knowing that the father or mother of a family will greet the nanny with a ‘Good Morning' only once a day irrespective of how many times they come into contact with a nanny in the day. Moscow is, however, a fascinating and diverse city with fantastic opportunities for English speaking nannies.

TIP: If you are considering an overseas position for the first time, it is wise to research your ideal locations and speak to a reputable agency like Nannies \incorporated. The agency will undoubtedly have placed nannies in these countries and will be able to share their experiences. You may also be able to speak to nannies who have worked in these countries before.  

How to prepare for a Skype interview for an overseas nanny position

 For many overseas roles, face to face interviews are not always possible and are done via Skype/Zoom. Consider the following to help you make the best impression:

  • If you have never had a Skype interview before and are a little nervous, why not practise with a friend first?

  • Consider your surroundings and appearance, along with your body image/language, just as you would for a face to face interview.
    Interviews are a two-way process and the more questions both sides ask, the more chance of a successful long-lasting overseas placement.

If you have been invited to trial for a new role, naturally, it takes time to settle in and get used to the children and their routine in a new country. When considering an overseas role, the one quote that always sticks in my head is: “the fear of the unknown is always worse than the reality”.

Some nannies have a real passion for travel and adventure and once they have done an overseas role, they then only work overseas.

 Others are perhaps a little more apprehensive of taking that first step on their overseas nanny journey, but chances are, once you have settled in, you will not look back and quite possibly have the best working years of your life!

Why not take a look at our current positions and email your CV to


 *This blog was written by a Nanny for Nannies on behalf of Nannies volg*


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