The Real Magic of Maternity Nurses

This week we’d like to explore the role of the Nannies volg maternity nurse and explain why investing in your baby’s very first days can pay off in the months ahead and even years to come.

A maternity nurse generally works 21 hours in 24 hours for 5 or 6 days a week, and she will do wonders for your sleep in this newborn period. However, the real magic of a maternity nurse goes far beyond this. 

If you’ve been considering hiring a maternity nurse, maybe you've already visited our website and read about our experienced and qualified maternity nurses.

Coming from various backgrounds, including midwifery, nursery nursing and nannying, they have taken further qualifications to transform their baby and newborn experience into expertise on different ways to raise and care for infants.

At Nannies volg, we often advise families to consider hiring a maternity nurse for 6+ months. We do this because babies need consistency, and continuity of care benefits all the family. We also do it because we know from personal experience how useful it can be to have a maternity nurse around once the baby passes the three-month mark.

Peace and quiet

A baby’s first year can be full of surprises and often includes sleep regression. Our experienced maternity nurses will not only set your newborn up to handle their sleep regressions as smoothly as possible but also guide your three month+ through the tricky waters of consolidated sleep. Not only this, but they will remind you of what is expected in terms of sleep, ease any worries you might have about your growing baby and re-establish your chosen routine if needed. That’s not to mention the benefits of having a qualified nutritionist around when the baby starts weaning.

Considering your family’s preferences and needs, our professional maternity nurses tailor their approach to provide bespoke care for each family. If you prefer a strict routine, one of our professional maternity nurses will help you establish this for your baby. If, however, you choose a “baby-led” approach, they will have lots of experience with this too, or indeed you may prefer a mixture of both.

Peace of mind

Perhaps one of the most important things a maternity nurse will be for your family is a companion. Many new parents comment on how lonely the “fourth trimester” can be. Pregnancy is a time of great anticipation, but it is easy to feel forgotten in the haze of family visiting to meet the new arrival. A Nannies volg maternity nurse is there to assist with the care of your baby, but also to ensure that all is well with the family. Our maternity nurse will remind the parents to take some time to have a good meal, encourage them to get some well-earned rest and reassure them that baby is well looked after, so they can go out with their partner.  

Many of our maternity nurses are qualified lactation consultants, specialists in reflux or experienced in soothing a colicky baby. Very reassuring and a handy resource to have at your disposal! If a baby does have a tongue tie, they will have experience of this previously.

No matter who we are or what approach parents prefer, we all want the very best for our babies. A Nannies volg maternity nurse will help to give your baby the best start in life and guide the whole family through the first 6+ months of this new adventure!

If you're interested in how a Maternity Nurse could fit into your family, do get in touch with our team for a no-obligation exploratory conversation.


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