BOOKED | Nice, France and Djursholm, Sweden | Maternity Nurse | June 2025 Start Date
Please note that only EU passport holders will be considered for this position.
An American/Swedish family living in Djursholm, near Stockholm are looking for a professional bilingual English /French maternity nurse to join their family around the 17th of June 2025. It is essential to have had many years experience in similar positions.
The mother will be giving birth in Nice, where a C-section has been scheduled for the 17th of June 2025.
The maternity nurse will be working in Nice to start. As soon as the baby will have his passport, they will return to Sweden. This could take up yo two months.
On both locations the maternity nurse will work on a 24/6 basis. This will be 6 months booking.
The mother will need to support and advice on postpartum. The maternity nurse will also be responsible for all aspects of caring for baby and supporting mum during the postpartum period. The usual maternity duties apply, from changing baby, to assisting with settling baby into a good routine are required.
The maternity nurse will share the baby’s room. A separate bedroom will be provided for maternity nurse’s break and day off.
The maternity nurse must travel with the family and be comfortable working in a fully staffed household.
Salary: 380€/400€ per 24 hours worked.
Job Ref: MN/FranceandSweden
Location: France and Sweden
Start Date: June 2025
Salary: €350/€400 per 24 hours worked
Hours: 24/6
Languages: English/French
Experience: Essential
Children details: Neweborn baby
Driving License: Not essential
Non-smoker: Essential
Accommodation: Live-in